Our server motto:
The freedom to be in control of everything!

"The capacity to scale-out to meet your precise needs."

Our stable and secure server philosophy is of great importance when operating individual software.

It comprises a series of principles and approaches aimed at offering scalable server solutions that clearly stand out from the mainstream in terms of speed, availability and security.

Key factors


Understanding server administration as a specialist area

The use of ORCA specialists is of decisive importance when it comes to specially administered servers for the operation of individually developed software.

Our specialists have in-depth knowledge and experience in the field of server administration and understand the complexity of operation and configuration. You know the best practices and can ensure optimum server performance.

They are also familiar with the operating system distributions and can select the appropriate versions and configurations according to the requirements of the application to be operated.

Server administration is not outsourced at ORCA.

ORCA Server Tech-Stack

Our server tech stack forms a solid basis for the operation of individual applications.

This combination enables our developers to use robust and scalable server solutions.

The tech stack for operating individual software based on Linux servers can vary depending on the specific requirements of the software and the preferences of the development team. It is important to select the right technologies to provide a secure, scalable and high-performance environment for our applications.

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